Linea Light Group products were chosen by the Light Concept firm to light up the Sharjah mosque, the largest in the entire emirate, measuring 190 thousand m2. Architecturally, it draws its inspiration from typically Turkish aesthetics, where the central dome is surrounded by smaller siblings, also present in the portico area (Riwaq). Gardens and fountains frame the complex and the final result could only be grand majesty.
The goal of the project, which involved the entire architectural complex, both indoor and outdoor, was to give the place a specific identity through lighting which played an essential role.
Every detail was duly emphasised to create the right atmosphere throughout the day, both for prayer time and for tours.
To prevent direct glaring for the worshippers and to create the ideal intimate setting for times of prayer, the Light Concept firm chose solutions with indirect emission lighting and a colour temperature of 2700K.
Various Linea Light Group products were used, both in standard and custom version, depending on the specific technical lighting needs.