Andrea Fontana

Home Clients Andrea Fontana / from 2018 to 2022

Andrea Fontana is a communications and narrative media sociologist, who opened the debate on narrative sciences in the Italian corporate and political world. He combines extensive experience in the field of strategic consulting, institutional marketing and business management, research, teaching and dissemination in the field of Corporate Storytelling and institutional communication. Co-founder and President of Storyfactory, the first Italian business narrative consultancy company, and President of the Italian Observatory of Corporate Storytelling at the University of Pavia where he teaches “Storytelling and Business Narratives”, Andrea Fontana is the author of numerous texts on managerial culture and business communication, such as the first Italian manual on Corporate storytelling: “Manuale di Storytelling”. In 2019 he published “Corporate Diplomacy”, “Egea” (with Vittorio Cino) and “Regimi di verità. Convivere con leggende e fatti alternativi”, published by Codice Edizioni.

Communication Strategy
National and International Press Office & PR
Events Organization