Listone Giordano

Home Clients Listone Giordano / from 2005 to today

Listone Giordano, part of the multi-business group Margaritelli, is the leading brand in the high-end wood flooring sector. The company’s respect for ethical and professional values, combined with a passion for wood and technological innovation, have allowed the company to make headway in the market and achieve success. Listone Giordano is always working towards perfection, a trait that has favored their search for original solutions. Thanks to an outstanding retail network, the company has about 550 Listone Giordano Alliance points of sale in approximately 50 countries worldwide and boasts an annual production of over 2 million square meters of parquet in its various forms. On the R&D front, the Crystal Care technology patent guarantees hygiene and health by inhibiting the proliferation of bacteria on the parquet’s surface. The Natural Genius collection has established the company as an internationally recognized interior design brand, open to collaboration and constant dialogue with the world of design and architecture.

National and International Press Office & PR
Events Organization
Meet Architects

Linkiesta, Italy

06 May 2024


Habitus, Australia

05 May 2024


IDentity, Middle East

10 April 2024


Art&Decoration, France

01 October 2023


Architecture, UK

01 August 2023


Neuro Nature

05 April 2023

Neuro Nature, an experimental and multisensory path, opens at the Listone Giordano Arena in Milan from April 5th until the end of the Milan Design Week.

The initiative accompanies visitors on a regenerating journey in direct contact with the plant world, with the aim of generating a better quality of life, synonymous with health and psychophysical well-being. The interdisciplinary research...


20 December 2022

After the preview at Milan Design Week, the striking and emotive collection signed by the iconic Italian designer in collaboration with Luca Gonzo is finally available.
A Latin term, an ancient name to define a need for aesthetic spirituality that is highly topical in modern times. Factum is this and much more. The direct influence of a master like Carlo Scarpa,...

Dentro Casa

01 November 2022



29 August 2022
